Out-of-the-box, in with the best approach

MYMEMBERSHIP® is delivered across three platforms: a member only portal, an admin back office and a public website. We integrate with third party best-of-breed to ensure a perfectly rounded solution is delivered to meet your needs.

Getting started with us

So, what are you waiting for?


In a series of tried and tested workshops, we help you to define business processes, adjust policies and procedures where need be and help you discover a world where member management is efficient, streamlined and practical.


We configure and setup our 'solution' according to your needs. Together with our highly dedicated project management team, you'll be approaching member management better in no time. Our quickest implementation to date took 60 hours.

Train and support

We offer hands-on training to ensure your team understand the new processes and systems and come to love them as much as we do. We provide ongoing support and have created a knowledge base that we update regularly to ensure you're always in the loop.

Member portal

We setup a branded member only portal with great interactive features for your members.


Have a website already? Great! We plug and play or create a new public website for you.

Admin dashboard

We configure the system and then train admins on how to use the backend office, providing you with all the tools you need to manage your organisation.


We can’t be the best in everything, so we’ve partnered with the best to ensure you’re always ahead of the game.

What makes us different from other member management solutions?

We lend a helping hand. Tips, tricks, and how-to’s are gold. We provide the right information at the right time. Having “just enough” is better than “all the things”. We use clear, plain-spoken language, avoid industry jargon, and are mindful of using references that may confuse people of different cultures. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We know humour makes life more enjoyable. We are free to be funny, but we don’t force it. It’s more about being “human” than being “humorous.”

SAQA compliant

Our system is fully SAQA compliant meaning when it comes to those pesky SAQA data loads, we make extracting and reporting the necessary information to SAQA easy and stress free.

We don't charge for development

As our solution is marketed as out-of-the-box configurable software, we won’t charge for development if we can see your request would be an added benefit for all our clients.

“SAPMA/SAPITI and the Surface Coatings Association use the MYMEMBERSHIP® to host our Association database and inform our members of all relevant, up-to-date Industry specific information. It provides our members with fast, interactive communication at all times, and ensures we are interactive with our members.”

- Tara Benn

Executive Director

Get a handle on things

Modern Membership

Not interested in the product? No worries, we still believe in the power of imparting knowledge and bringing membership bodies together. Join our free member based organisation community called Modern Membership, for industry insights from thought-leaders and experts around various topics that relate to membership bodies.