Designing a streamlined member renewal model for COMENSA

Coaches and Mentors South Africa |


When COMENSA, the leading professional body in South Africa for Coaches and Mentors, began a process of digitalisation and automation, the E2 team using MYMEMBERSHIP® stepped in to serve as their strategic member management advisory and implementation partner.

COMENSA’s aspiration was to align their current way of running membership renewals to global best practices, while ensuring the process supported the needs of their Professional Body and their members. Working closely with Colleen Qvist, VP of COMENSA, a streamlined renewal model was tailored resulting in an automated and hassle-free process.

The new process includes automatic Email and SMS renewal reminders sent to the member. The reminder includes a link that takes the member to a secure online payment gateway with the option of paying the renewal fee via debit or credit card or fast EFT. If the member’s payment is successful, MYMEMBERSHIP® instructs COMENSA’s accounting package to raise an invoice. A copy of this invoice is sent to the member and can be viewed by both the member and COMENSA’s administrator on the member’s profile. It doesn’t stop there though! The member’s start and end date is then automatically updated to reflect the new membership cycle, closing the renewal loop.

A key part of our unique value-add was our understanding of the pain points that many Professional Bodies experience when their renewal process is manual and admin intensive. With this renewal model, E2 through the functionality that MYMEMBERSHIP® has to offer, has empowered COMENSA to give members an easy way to renew, carrying less debtors and requiring less admin intervention. This has optimised their internal resource usage and maximised their member experience.